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Postdoctorate Offer at the Centre d'études nordiques - 2024/2025

Jan. 26, 2024


Photo Credit: Joséphine Z Rapp


The Centre d'études nordiques (CEN) seeks a highly motivated candidate for a postdoctoral position. The CEN brings together over 400 researchers in various fields of science and engineering from several universities in Quebec (https://www.cen.ulaval.ca/en/). As part of the interdisciplinary Northern Gradient project, which uses a holistic approach to study the effects of climate change along a latitudinal transect of over 3,000 km across the eastern Canadian Arctic, the successful candidate will first work on a project to process and publish a unique database of meteorological stations in the CEN's SILA network (https://cen.ulaval.ca/fr/infrastructures/sila/).

To look at the complete description of the offer, please consult the PDF document.

Experience Required

The successful candidate will have strong data analysis and programming skills obtained through studies (BSc, MSc, PhD) in biogeosciences, climatology, ecology, civil/geological engineering, physics, remote sensing, environmental sciences, etc. Motivation to work on interdisciplinary research projects is essential.

The CEN-affiliated candidate will be led by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from different universities in Quebec and will preferably be based at ULaval, UQ-Trois-Rivières, UdeSherbrooke or UdeMontréal (to be confirmed with the successful candidate).


Please contact us if you have any questions about the position. To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and two references to :

CEN values diversity and encourages all qualified candidates to apply, particularly women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities.

Applications will be reviewed immediately until the position is filled.

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