
Stéphanie Guilherme
Regular member
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Ottawa


Alexandra Cassivi (Postdoctoral fellow)

Anna Covey (Ph.D. student)

Jessika Pickford (Ph.D. student)

Scientific Communications

D'Aoust, P.M., Vincent, S., LeBlond, G., Arabgol, R., Hérard, R., Ahmed, W., Guilherme, S., Kinsley, C., Delatolla, R., 2021. Upgrading municipal lagoons in temperate and cold climates: Total nitrogen removal and phosphorus assimilation at ultra-low temperatures. Water and Environment Journal(published online 2021-05-24). DOI: 10.1111/wej.12736.

Guilherme, S., 2021. Gestion de l'eau potable au Nunavik. 45e webinaire de la série Hebd'Eau, organisé conjointement par le CentrEau, le CEN et le Centre en infrastructures pour les communautés autochtones. Québec, Québec.

Guilherme, S., Caetano, D., 2020. Real-time estimation of disinfection by-products through differential UV absorbance. Water, 12(9), 2536. DOI: 10.3390/w12092536.

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