
Didier Haillot
Regular member
Mechanical engineering department
École de technologie supérieure


Robin Chaubier (Master student)

Timothée Maheux (Master student)

Scientific Communications

Haillot, D., Lalau, Y., Franquet, E., Rigal, S., Jay, F., Bédécarrats, J.-P., 2021. A latent heat storage system for low-temperature applications: From materials selection to prototype performances. Applied Sciences, 11(21), 10350. DOI: 10.3390/app112110350.

Comeau, F.-A., Giordano, N., Haillot, D., Raymond, J., 2020. Valorisation de l’énergie géothermique peu profonde pour remplacer le chauffage au diesel au Nunavik. Colloque annuel du CEN. Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Decaulne, A., Joliet, F., Chanteloup, L., Herrmann, T.M., Bhiry, N., Haillot, D., 2020. Vers une démarche scientifique intégrative: l'exemple de l'Observatoire Hommes-milieux du Nunavik (Canada). Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Sciences, 6: 1-26. DOI: 10.18713/JIMIS-120620-6-5.

Haillot, D., Piche, P., Gibout, S., Arrabie, C., Daniel, R., Giordano, N., Raymond, J., 2020. Dimensionnement, construction et analyse d'un système de stockage thermique adapté à la culture en serre au Nunavik. Colloque annuel du CEN. Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Piché, P., Haillot, D., Gibout, S., Arrabie, C., Lamontagne, M.-A., Gilbert, V., Bédécarrats, J.-P., 2020. Design, construction and analysis of a thermal energy storage system adapted to greenhouse cultivation in isolated northern communities. Solar Energy, 204: 90-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2020.04.008.

Torré, J.-P., Plantier, F., Marlin, L., André, R., Haillot, D., 2020. A novel stirred microcalorimetric cell for DSC measurements applied to the study of ice slurries and clathrate hydrates. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 160: 465-475. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.06.019.

Giordano, N., Miranda, M., Gunawan, E., Comeau, F.-A., Haillot, D., Raymond, J., 2019. Ground source heat pumps and thermal energy storage for off-grid Nunavik communities (Canada). 4ta Reunión Nacional de Geotermia (RENAG). Medellín.

Blangy, S., Bernier, M., Bhiry, N., Dedieu, J.-P., Aenishaenslin, C., Bastian, S., Chanteloup, L., Coxam, V., Decaulne, A., Gérin-Lajoie, J., Gibout, S., Haillot, D., Hébert-Houle, É., Herrmann, T.M., Joliet, F., Lamalice, A., Lévesque, E., Ravel, A., Rousse, D., 2018. OHMi-Nunavik: a multi-thematic and cross-cultural research program studying the cumulative effects of climate and socio-economic changes on Inuit communities. Écoscience, 25(4: Cumulative effects of climate and socio-economic changes on Inuit communities in Nunavik): 311-324. DOI: 10.1080/11956860.2018.1542783.

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